Disney World and Disneyland will be modifying Genie+ to date-based ticket pricing.
Copyright Disney Parks & Resorts
Hey Disney Park Fans, we have some news that may impact your vacation budget. Both Disney World and Disneyland will be modifying Genie+ to date-based ticket pricing. This means that the cost of Genie+ will no longer be a daily fee of $15.00 USD per person plus tax. As of now it appears that the cost will range between $15-$22 per person plus tax. The cost of Genie will depend on the crowd levels for that day. For example; if you were to visit in late August, the price for Genie+ could be $15.00, but if you were to visit in mid-December the cost could be $22.00 per persons plus tax.
Tower of Terror- Hollywood Studios- Genie+ Attraction
Traditionally, at Disney World, you’d pay $15 per person per day to utilize Genie+. With Genie+, you can make 1 selection at a time for a return time that allows you to SKIP the standby line at a particular attraction. Once your return time comes around, you’ll get to use the “Lightning Lane” (the old FastPass lane) to skip the standby wait and get on the ride you selected. You can continue to select more return times, one at a time, throughout the day.
Rise of the Resistance- Individual Attraction Selection
Genie+ also has a related service called Individual Attraction Selection (or pay-per-ride). This is reserved for the especially popular rides at Disney World (which are NOT included with the standard Genie+ service). With Pay-Per-Ride, you pay to skip the standby line at ONE individual ride. Up to two Individual Attraction Selection per day.
We know that this price increase will impact many families traveling to Disney World and Disneyland. We hope that this information helps you prepare for these changes. If you’d like to stay up to date on the latest park news and updates, please consider following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter.